No one wants to consider being involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, accidents occur with shocking regularity. According to one statistic, the average driver can expect to be in some form of car accident at least 3 or 4 times in their life. These can range from scraped bumpers to fatal incidents. In at least 50% of those accidents, someone requires medical attention. This is why it’s important to know exactly how and when to report an accident claim in Ohio. Let’s answer some common questions:
Am I Required To Report An Accident?
Not necessarily. For most fender-benders, it is entirely up to the drivers’ discretion whether to file a crash report or not. Two friends who accidentally bump each others’ cars may decide not to involve the state or their insurance companies at all. These are rare cases, however, since the majority of accidents involve strangers you’ve never met. Even then, you are only required to file a report if the accident involves an injury, causes more than $400 in property damage, or one of the drivers is not insured.
How Do I Report An Accident?
All Ohio drivers are required to have liability insurance in case of an accident. This ensures that if they are at fault, their insurance company can pay for the damages to the other person. If you find yourself in an accident, you should first check yourself for injuries. If you are not injured, the next step is to get out of the car and get to a safe place. From there, you can call the police, call your insurance company, swap information with the other driver, and then document the scene.
Once your claim has been filed, insurance adjusters will evaluate the damages and make an offer. Another option is to sue the other driver for damages such as physical pain or emotional distress. If your doctor tells you your recovery may be a lengthy one, it is highly encouraged that you consult a lawyer.
When Should I Report An Accident?
Immediately. There is no benefit to waiting to file your report. That said, you can pursue an auto accident claim for up to 2 years. If your accident involved an injury, caused more than $400 in property damage, or one of the drivers was not insured, a report needs to be filed within six months.
Our experienced attorneys can help you with any questions you might have about your car accident. Call Garretson & Holcomb, LLC today at (513) 863-6600.