Preparing a Successful Claim
Immediately following the car or motorcycle accident, you should seek medical attention. Not only will this enable you to access the services and treatments you need—you’ll also gather important records from your healthcare provider that can help to build a successful personal injury claim. As soon as you are able to do so, contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you understand the claims process. Together, you will develop an effective strategy for obtaining the compensation you are owed.
You Deserve Some Peace of Mind
One of the most difficult aspects of navigating the aftermath of an accident is communicating with large and uncooperative insurance companies. These companies will try to undermine and discredit your claim in order to save money, and they will often use a variety of tactics to get you to simply give up. Instead of wasting your time and energy on these stressful communications, allow us to step in and handle these conversations on your behalf. We have decades of experience working with these insurance giants, and we know how to get through to them and elicit a productive response. Let us do the heavy lifting, while you focus on making a full recovery.

Car Accidents
Since 1980, Garretson & Holcomb, LLC has been helping victims of car accidents pursue personal injury claims and win the compensation they are owed. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from an auto accident, call our office as soon as possible to learn about how we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle Accidents
If you’ve been injured by a motorcycle rider, you know all too well how fast life can change. Your injury has probably left you hurt and confused, as well as angry at the person responsible for your injury. You deserve to be compensated for your medical bills, repair bills, and lost income, which is why it’s essential that you secure experienced legal assistance as soon as possible.