Whether you’re an avid rider or a pedestrian on a busy street, it’s important to have a basic understanding of state law as it pertains to these fast, two-wheeled machines. Chapter 4511 of the Ohio Revised Code is the main place where these laws are described and maintained. Many of these laws extend to mopeds, motor scooters, and motorized/electric bicycles as well.
In Ohio, motorcyclists cannot ride in rows of more than two in a single lane. Obviously, helmets and safety eyewear are a must. Legally, your horn has to be audible from at least 200 feet in any direction (which is a good idea considering the short braking and acceleration distance of most motorcycles). Lastly, your handlebars are considered illegal if they ride higher than your shoulders when sitting on the bike.
Ohio Motorcycle License and Insurance Requirements
You must have a motorcycle license or license endorsement in order to operate a motorcycle. Along with that, you’re required to carry the following minimums, which are the same as motor vehicle minimums:
– $25,000 for bodily injury or death of another person in an accident
– $50,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more individuals in an accident
– $25,000 for someone else’s property damage suffered in an accident
What Are Potential Punishments for Breaking Motorcycle Law in Ohio?
You could be arrested and charged in Ohio if you’re suspected of DUI, lane splitting, speeding, reckless driving or more in a range of offenses. Potential punishments can include a ticket issued, larger fine, license suspension or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense.
Ohio also follows the modified comparative fault theory, which means that if you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident and it’s less than half your fault, you could be entitled to damage compensation. If you feel this is your situation, it’s crucial to speak with a qualified Ohio personal injury attorney to see if your case can move forward.
The team at Garretson & Holcomb is ready to help you sift through the details and see if any further action could be taken. Call us today at (513) 863-6600 to learn more.